Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Leafpool's Wish & Tales of the Clans

OMSC! (Oh My StarClan). Erin Hunter has confirmed of a NEW BOOK!!!! Like long ago though... OH WELL! It will be the fifth Novella in the series. NO-6
 BIG ULTRA SPOILER FOR 'THE POWER OF THREE' AND 'OMEN OF THE STARS': The book will describe the time when Leafpool was bearing her kits, Lionkit, Hollykit, and Jaykit. <To prevent you from reading to much XD
The book will be released on April 22, 2014. Or that's what it says.
You remember the book 'The Untold Stories'? You know, the book with Hollyleaf's Story, Mistystar's Omen, and Cloudstar's Journey all together? Well there will be a book similar like it. It'll be called, Tales of the Clans. It will include Leafpool's Wish, Tigerclaw's Fury, and Dovewing's Silence.

NO-8The book will be released on  November 4, 2014. Can't Wait!!!

Happy New Years Eve!

Erin hunter confirmed the fourth book of 'Dawn of the Clans' title. DTC-4 'The Blazing Star' will be released on November 4, 2014! Speaking of 2014, HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE!!!
Erin Hunter also confirmed that the fifth book of 'Dawn of the Clans' title is called, 'A Forest Divided'. The cover hasn't been released yet.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Rise of Scourge

Hey guys! I know you people already know about The Rise of Scourge. But some people didn't read it! I did, and I'll be happy to put it in words for this post. Sorry if I don't remember anything. Just ignore the page on if you don't want to read it or anything. It's about how Scourge came to be and his past.

Tiny (Scourge) was the runt of the litter. His brother and sisters treated him like a nobody. They didn't like him playing with them. Quince, their mother always told them to stop and just play with him. Tiny was really really upset with his siblings. (Like upset= sad). One day, they kicked him out of a game and left him. Tiny was sad again. So he found a hole under his fence. He saw the forest. Tiny snuggled through the hole and saw the forest. He was amazed. Tiny climbed on a giant stump (he thought it was a mountain), and nearly got caught by an eagle (he calls it a giant bird). He hears Quince call him and he came back home. Tiny told Quince, Ruby (sister), and Socks about his venture into the forest. But they didn't believe him! Ruby and Socks thought he was lying. Tiny was very upset. In the night, Tiny asks Quince what's it like in the forest. Quince replies, "It's filled with horrible cats with the mark of scourge of all good cats!" (Something like that).
Tiny goes and sleeps. Quince is seen looking at a picture of Jake. She says that he has wonderful kits but it's a shame they didn't have any of your orange fur. Thus revealing Scourge is Firestar's half-brother.
The next morning, twolegs comes and look around. Quince grooms Socks, Ruby, and Tiny. Then she tells them to act playful. Tiny laid under a small dresser. He thinks, I know they are pretending. Then the twolegs buy Socks and Ruby. (But not Tiny cuz they didn't see him). Ruby goes over to Tiny and says, "You know what happens to kits who don't go with them? They get thrown into the river!"
Tiny is scared and runs away. He thought, I don't want to get thrown into the river! Tiny runs away into the forest. Then he runs into a ThunderClan patrol. With Thistleclaw, Bluefur, and Tigerpaw. Tigerpaw attacks Tiny leaving horrible wounds. Bluefur orders Tigerpaw to stop at once. And the cats leave. Tiny runs away into the city. He meets stray rogues around him. They all laughed because of his kittypet collar. At night, he found a large elderly dog. The dog walked away without noticing him. It left a large tooth. Tiny picked up the tooth and tried to get his collar off. Instead, it ripped a hole through the collar. He sighed and walked away. He met the rogues again. This time, they didn't make fun of him. They said, "Did you kill a dog?" and "What's your name?"
Tiny wanted to avoid being teased again, so he remembered something: "a scourge of all good cats". Tiny said, "My name is Scourge."
Moons later, rogues came to Scourge for help (Since they say he's a leader now). Bone and Brick, some rogue cats told Scourge about some trouble in the territory. Scourge checked it out. He smelled forest scent. He finds Brokenstar and his followers. Scourge was mocked for his size.Scourge was angered and slashed open a rogue cat's throat. They were shocked and left.
Later, Socks and Ruby visits Scourge, leader of BloodClan. They said that their twolegs abandoned them. They ask for food since they are kin. Scourge felt disgusted for how they treated him moons ago. They ask if blood means anything to him. Scourge growls back, blood only means the blood of enemies. His words loses his siblings, but he lets them eat. After that, he sends them away forever.
In the Darkest Hour, it shows Boulder and Tigerstar making a proposal to Scourge. Scourge recognizes Tigerstar from his past, but accepts the request anyways. Later, he kills Tigerstar with one hit. Then it ends the story from here :)

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The First Battle

Hey guys! So I'm sure you've read most of Warriors. Like the fifth arc, Dawn of the Clans! The third book (didn't come out yet) is titled, "The First Battle". The cover looks like this: DTC-3
SPOILER- The Blurb: The rivalry between Gray Wing and Clear Sky has driven a dangerous wedge between the forest cats. Gray Wing still believes that there is a way for all the cats to live in peace. But Clear Sky, blinded by his desire for power and control, insists that lines must be drawn and territories divided. As they struggle to find a path for the future, more blood will be shed.... 
It will be released on April 8, 2014!

Tigerclaw's Fury

Hi! New thing REVEALED! A new book is coming out!!!!!!!!!!!!  YAYAYAYAYAY! It's said to come out around January 28, 2014!   It's called Tigerclaw's Fury. Read to see how Tigerclaw felt during his exile from ThunderClan! 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Hello there! Judging by the name, I LOVE WARRIORS. Warriors is a book series made by Erin Hunter! (AKA four authors using one name) So here on this blog, I will post some news about Warriors! I don't own the book at all! Quoting from the last sentence, "Warriors is a book series made by Erin Hunter!" not me! By the way, I will sometimes post about Animal Jam too! FYI, Animal Jam is an online game for kids. Made by National Geographic Kids. It's really fun! Click Here to go to the website and register it's free. Add me, my user is "Ldbug999" and my old account is "Ldbug9999". If you want to add me, I recommend my latest account, Ldbug999. REMEMBER only sometimes for Animal Jam and always Warriors. Maybe sometimes I'll not post. Either cuz I forgot, or to lazy, or no news! So don't expect a lot. I'm on Youtube so Click Here to go to my channel and I hope you enjoy the rest of my blog!